Solder Sucker Not Sucking Enough?

Sometimes solder suckers lose their suction even though nothing appears to be clogging the tip. By cleaning and re-lubing the O-ring inside, this simple tool can oftentimes be brought back to life. Click the title for more pictures and steps.


If you hold your finger against the tip and release the plunger, the vacuum should be enough to keep the spring from extending. If you don’t feel any suction and the plunger pulls back with little hesitation, it’s time to clean the innards…

First, make sure the tip isn’t clogged. Most solder suckers have an internal rod that automatically pushes out any debris when the plunger is pushed in, but a drill bit will work if the rod isn’t doing it’s job.

Now unscrew the main cylinder and pull out the plunger.

Clean out the inner tube and O-ring with paper towels.

Before reinserting the plunger, lube up the O-ring with a few drops of oil.

Before screwing everything back together, check to see if the suction works again by manually pushing the plunger in and out while sealing the tip with a finger.

Open Source Kits: Plug-in BreadBoard Power Module

We’re happy to release a new section to the site that contains open-source, fully documented kits. Lots are coming soon, but our first one is a plug-in bread board power supply module designed by David @ Instead of stripping wires from a wall wart and cramming them into a bread board, this module lets you plug the barrel jack straight in or neatly attach stripped wires with screw terminals. It’s configurable to supply 3.3V, 5V, 6V or 9V from either an AC or DC input. We’ve put together instructions that make a great starter guide for someone just beginning with electronics, covering basics like soldering, which way to install caps, clinching leads and more.

Kitchen Counter Invisible Fence

Having lost a just-out-of-the-oven Quiche and a meal of freshly delivered Chinese food to an otherwise very well behaved dog, one of the guys that works here used a salvaged industrial emitter / detector pair, relay and car horn to provide a bit of doggy defense for his kitchen counter. The industrial emitter is a tad expensive, but you could probably use a laser pointer and photo transistor just as well.

New Product: Tapping Block

We’re proud to release our first home-grown product: a tapping block. If you’re not familiar with tapping (cutting screw threads), the hardest and most tedious part is starting–an off-angle start can ruin parts and break taps. However, by guiding a tap through the close-fitting holes, it’s easy to keep the tap straight. You can always make your own, or if you want something that will survive a nuclear war, get this one.


How Legos are Made

If you haven’t checked out Gizmodo’s videos from inside the lego factory, here’s another encouraging link. They also have video of the shelving system robots that automatically store and retrieve legos from over 65 square miles of equivalent storage space. A couple more Lego fun facts:

  • The tolerance on the bricks is less than .00008 in. Human hair varies between .001 and .01 in.
  • Only 18 / 1 million pieces fail inspection, according to this HowStuffWorks article.
  • Lego now makes some 19 billion bricks a year.


Homemade Solder Paste Stencils

All sorts of people are using toaster ovens and skillets to reflow (melt) solder paste on PCBs, but one bottle neck is applying paste to the pads. Using a syringe takes a long time, and getting custom made stencils is fairly expensive. tymm posted a cool instructable showing how to roll your own solder paste stencils. He uses the same process for etching your own circuit boards but does it on a thin piece of copper bought from a hardware store.

home made solder paste stencil

Robotic Ball Controlled by Music

Motors inside the ball work against a counterweight to allow it to move without external wheels. I believe certain pitches and sequences control how it moves. It can also play music itself–a piezo actuator uses the entire outer shell as a speaker to play back manipulated portions of what it hears. From a Robotics and Art conference that was taking place near RoboCup 06.

Screwdriver substitute for lost chuck key

Stick a screwdriver or hex wrench into one of the chuck key holes. Then use it as a fulcrum with a regular / flat screw driver to tighten or loosen the chuck. There’s probably a good chance this could harm your chuck if you do this regularly, but you need that hole NOW–new chucks can come later.



CuriousInventor launched in late 2006 (pre-arduino era!) as a place to enable hobbyists, students, and musicians to create their own technology. We sold open-source kits and tools, and offered numerous guides & videos on things like soldering, metal working, screws, electronics, and more. 

The store is now mostly empty, but we’ve kept the product pages and guides up since they have useful information. Many of our guides and videos still rank on the first page of google searches and have been seen millions of times. Content on this site and the CuriousInventor YouTube channel produced by Scott Driscoll.

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